Knowledge Base ← NiftyQuoter Help Desk Customer Service Using NiftyQuoter: Integrations → Xero integration API documentation Using NiftyQuoter: Getting started → How can I customize a look of my proposals? How can I display client's signature? Internal approvals/signatures Do you do demos? Do you have any tutorials or video tutorials? Using NiftyQuoter: My account → How can I set up custom domain? How can I set up my SMTP server for outgoing emails? How to set up HTTPS (SSL) with custom domain? Using NiftyQuoter: Proposals → How can I add images? How to add line items / products from pricing templates to proposals How to add optional items to pricing tables? How can I attach PDF file? How can I edit proposal's state? 14 articles → Using NiftyQuoter: Theme → How can I customize proposal background image? Custom or no cover page How can I add a footer text to a theme? How can I use custom fonts? Can I use multiple logos? Troubleshooting → Spell checker doesn't work All articles → How can I set up custom domain? How can I add images? How can I customize proposal background image? How can I customize a look of my proposals? Xero integration 30 articles →