Know who is visiting our proposal (user, ip, location...)
When client read our proposal we've got notification by email. It will be nice to understand 'who' is reading the proposal.
Could we add on these email :
- IP's client
- Location's client ?
- session's client... or some indication to know if there are severals persons reading our proposal in same time. Some organisation just forward email to colleague so we missed individual tracking.

james commented
Hey Nick, indeed you're right. But could we get this info (IP and browser type : smartphone / desktop) on email notification ?
So I can understand if one or severals persons are viewing my proposal and guessing on which conditions : desktop (so available to get a call from me) or mobile (so it will be best to call him later).
Nick Venables commented
Hey James. This feature already exists.
1. Go to the "Overview" tab for a proposal that has been viewed.
2. Locate the "Action Log" section (lower left).
3. However cursor over the text that says "viewed for xx minutes".That will give you the IP address of the user. If you click on "show location", it gives more details. Hope that helps!