Ability for client to be able to login and see all proposals that have been sent to them
Please :)
I find it a chore to have to track down a url each time i need to view a proposal from my contractors - i assume my clients also find this tedious. The ability to use the new "view all proposals" link to easily see other proposals is a huge help but we need a way for people to easily get there in the first place without having to go find the link in correspondence somewhere.
Anonymous commented
This one feature; a client landing page would make NiftyQuoter much better than all their competitors combined.
Dana Asper commented
I think this is a really important feature to add. I have had to create a sticky note with a link to a random proposal from my contractor just so i can get to my list of proposals from them - so that makes it look like for some reason i am constantly viewing that old proposal - but really I'm just using it as a gateway to get to my proposals using the "view all proposals" link.
please please :) with a cherry on top create some way that there is a single permanent link people can use to view all their proposals ... this could giving them the link to the NQ account and letting them login to view only their proposals, or some sort of generated public link using their company name or something?