Redesign Proposal Overview Page
The more I use niftyQuoter, the more it seems i am evolving to using it not only as a place to create project proposals / estimates, but also as a sort of file cabinet of my projects - the starting point for my project management funnel.
I think the other idea i posted here for the option to display the proposals list in a boxed/grid type view
a redesign of the proposal overview page could provide more usefulness for NQ through the layout/design :)
For me, it would be great to see the Porposal Overview page redesigned to be a cleaner overview presentation of:
- Company / proposal name
- Created date
- [State] date (ie: Approved date)
- Expiration date
- Tag/s
Totals: Proposal total, Expenses total, Profit total
Custom text / notes area where we can put in an admin-side description (ability to use tokens or something to pull in existing text from the proposal content would be super slick) ... this is also a place where i could provide other links relevant to the project (i.e.: link to contractor estimate, project management app, client page in billing app, etc).
Action Log / activity feed (like you have now, perhaps just a more modern design), and include an easy way to see comments / discussion.
I think the email to client could be moved to a separate tab or opened with a button, rather than being part of the overview page.
big buttons to edit quote, content, preview, send
Generally most of the same info that is there now (with the addition of the Totals being displayed) - but redesigned to be less of a form-type-feel.
PS. I love NiftyQuoter! this is my two-cents on how to grow and improve and sharing what is on my wish list!!!